In an earlier post I provided some information on Film Fun (
here ), along with some covers and inside spreads from a few assorted issues. However, this time out we are concentrating on just one issue, April, 1927. This means we will only be looking at images and stills from silent films. However, Film Fun was already in full swing with its successful formula of emphasizing the female form, coupled with "witty" copy provided by the editors. This approach kept the magazine in business until 1942, when the censors stepped in. Tame by today's standards, Film Fun is a delight because of its lighthearted approach and frisky/risque nose thumbing at more "sophisticated" magazines of the day.
Be sure to double-click on the images to read the copy that accompanies the images.

Film Fun, April, 1927, sporting a St. Patrick's Day look, presuming the magazine actually hit the stands in March. The cover artist is Enoch Bolles, who did all the covers for Film Fun from 1923 until its last issue in 1942.

Released as When a Man Loves, this film with opulent sets and costumes is available from the Warner Archive Collection. Dolores Costello, Drew Barrymore's grandmother, has the lead female role. More about Dolores
here on this site.

Gotta have a least one harem shot in any issue of Film Fun worth its salt.
A Harem Knight was the release title for this 19 minute comedy.
Madeline Hurlock one of thirteen
Wampas Baby Stars of 1925.

I hadn't know of Jane Winton, but she did appear in 42 films before her retirement from the screen in 1935.

Poor Helene Costello (Dolores Costello's sister) is second to Rin Tin Tin in While London Sleeps.

Some quips from Sally Phipps and a scene with Louise Fazenda from 1926's Millionaires. More on Sally Phipps
here on this site.

Tillie the Toiler was a newspaper comic strip created by cartoonist Russ Westover. The strip ran from 1921 to 1959. This ad is on the second inside page. Unfortunately the film is not available.

One of Ruth's non-serial roles. And we get a tip for males.

Here is a typical page layout for Film Fun. Always a bit of whimsy and some cheesecake.

Here is Olive Borden in a lost film from late 1926, The Country Beyond. A bit more about Olive
here on this site.

The Vaughn sisters appeared together in this picture, but in reality they were only in one film together, Stop Kidding, a Hal Roach comedy short in 1921. Ada Mae, a Wampas Baby Star for 1927, only made 9 films, three uncredited, while Alberta was in 131 films. She was a Wampas Baby Star of 1924.

Of the close to 40 films released in March of 1927, only seven still exist, and only two are outside of an archive and available for public viewing.
Somebody's Fault - Not lost, but not avail.
Children of Divorce - Not lost, but not avail.
Tarzan and the Golden Lion - Available
The Notorious Lady - Available
Tillie the Toiler - Not lost, but not avail.
Turkish Delight - Not lost, but not avail.
Sensation Seekers - Not lost, but not avail.

What an amazing product, carries your smokes and wards off thugs and other lowlifes. Read all the copy - it's hilarious. And...Style Number 2 does away with the pack of cigarettes option and has three screw-cap bottles for buttermilk, cider, and near-beer. Ah, prohibition and how the public and business made the best of it.
1 comment:
Jane Winton also played Marion
Davies' mean sister in "The
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